
The Creative Process
The objective of this Master Class is to encourage students in the development of a personal visual language. Students will explore the basic principles of design: line, form, colour and composition, experimenting with a variety of techniques and materials using both fabric and paper. ‘Learning to look’ is an important part of the creative process; we will focus on keeping a sketchbook and on photographic documentation. PowerPoint presentations will be shown illustrating the relationship of design theory with the History of Art and Textiles.
Stitch Art - The Art of Embroidery
This Master class offers students the opportunity to develop ideas and designs using Hand Embroidery. In the lessons we will concentrate on the experimental use of stitches in combination with fantasy threads and mixed media. Attention will be paid to the development of personal mark-making, and to the use of colour and composition. Students will choose a personal theme to work on and be individually guided in producing a final piece of work.

New Dimensions in Surfaces & Stitch
In this experimental Master class students will work simultaneously with paper, fabric, plastic and stitch. In a series of hands on experiments we will transform the character of our materials, building intriguing surfaces with a variety of media and surface design techniques. A series of small works will be produced in this class ranging from 2D fabric/paper stitched constructions to off the wall structures. Students will develop a personal theme to ensure unique results are produced within the classroom environment. This class is suitable for all levels – guidelines will be given to help students in their choice of theme.
Encaustic Fibre Art
Encaustic is a versatile medium which is suitable for use in both 2 & 3 dimensional projects. During this workshop you will learn how to use specialist equipment and gain insight into the artistic possibilities of Encaustic.
This workshop offers the opportunity to recycle fabrics, papers and mixed media. Your own collections of materials will be used to create individual art works with a personal story. A Power Point presentation will be given as introduction to the world of contemporary Encaustic Art.

Encaustic - Image, Line & Texture
In this Master Class students will be introduced to the basic techniques of Encaustic Art. We will work on sturdy types of paper such as watercolour or handmade paper, birch plywood and/or wood and on special wooden frames.(Frames supplied by the teacher). We will begin with preparation of the surfaces with e.g. encaustic gesso and/or watercolour paper and application of encaustic medium. We will explore many basic methods and cover the use of colour and line, texture building and layering. Photo transfer and various ways of treating the surface will also be taught.
Totally Transformed
This is an experimental class in which transfer, resist and manipulation techniques will be used to transform some of the newest synthetic non-wovens. We will explore the possibilities of working with Evolon, Lutradur, Polyester and other non-wovens. Transfer paints will be used to explore colour with collage and stencils. Crayola transfer crayons for pattern and texture. Students will incorporate these experiments in a quilt/textile project of choice. It will also be possible to work on lengths of synthetic fabrics. A sample book will be compiled which will serve as future reference.